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Barstow - Auto transport

Barstow - Auto transport

Car transport is a very common service that helps with the shipment of cars from one point to another. One of the most common types of transportation are open carriers, these can be found almost anywhere in the city, from small towing trucks to 11 car carriers. Cars are transported securely on the carriers strapped down on the platforms to be shipped to their destinations. 

Prices to ship cars depend on many factors that come together, such as the type of car, time flexibility, season, destination, and the distance. Many people think destination and distance are the same thing, unfortunately a destination can change the price significantly while still having the same or less mileage than a similar route. For example, the distance in miles can be 1000 miles paid at $0.40, however, the destination is 300 mile off route in the middle of no where, within a gated community that cannot be accessed by the carrier due its size and sharp turns. On the other hand we have the same distance, however the destination is within route also within a gated community. These two jobs are not the same, the 300 miles the driver has to go off route in order to deliver the car is actually 600 miles more as driver has too do a round trip to continue with his schedule, this means more gas, more time and more risks on the road, therefore the price is higher. 

The make and model of a car also influence the price as cars have different sizes and weight. Big vehicles such as pickup trucks, SUV’s, trucks, and long classic cars take more room on a carrier than regular sedans, small SUV’s, and compact cars, therefore prices for larger cars are higher. 

Expedite transportation requests require higher fees as well as they have to be bumped in drivers schedules, most of the time these schedules are already set, therefore higher prices need to be set in order to make the job appealing for a driver to make a last minute change. For this reason it is also very important to advice your agent of how flexible you are with time, flexibility can save you a few hundreds and is more possible to work with a realistic budget. 

Car transport also offers other services such as enclosed carriers, motorcycle transport, boat transport, door-to-door services, and many more, all to accommodate your needs. Make sure you provide as many details to your booking agent in order to ensure the safety of your car during transportation. 


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